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Frequently Asked Questions

How is Cash Building Material different from its competitors?

We've spent years making connections with all our regional brick manufacturers. We have exclusive partnerships with several, including Meridian Brick, General Shale, Pine Hall Brick, Suncrest Stone, and Lafarge Holcim. Our expertise and industry experience makes us the perfect choice for your next brick project.

Why is brick regional?

Unlike other building materials, brick is supplied by regional sources. That's because brick is, well, heavy! Shipping bricks across long distances is too expensive to be practical. But this is another bonus; having a regional supplier means that your brick is unique to your area. An experienced brick supplier can tell you where a house is located just by looking at the brick they use!

What are your hours of operation?

Cash Building Material is open Monday through Friday, from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Feel free to give us a call during these hours, or stop in and visit our showroom! We're happy to answer any more questions you have either in person, over the phone, or through our Contact Us page.

What are your payment options?

We are happy to accept all major credit cards to ensure you are able to get your project started right away. Please give us a call if you have further payment questions.

Why go Brick?

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Brick is a beautiful and timeless building material. Unlike many other materials, brick is maintenance free. A brick house will last for generations, and will stay as beautiful in its fiftieth year as it was in its first. 

Construction Management
Building Plans

Thin Brick

Decorative veneer for more cost-effective projects.

Clay Brick Pavers

The best choice for durable, long-lasting surfaces.

Face Brick

A beautiful, timeless, durable building material.

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